Real Talk: Taking a Break

We are taking a week off next week, and it has been so long coming.  Our busy season has wound down and now that the kids are back to school, summer tourism is over.  A chance to breath, and slow down a bit and can feel relieving from the go go go.  But also as things slow down, so does cash flow, which can be worrisome.  So planning ahead for these slow times is key.  I think we did a much better job at that this year compared to last year (our first year in business).  It helps knowing what to expect and being able to make experienced decisions.  So our fall/winter season is already planned and in motion, and most importantly within the budget!

Taking some time off is always a little stressful as we don't have any other employees, so if I'm gone, the storefront is closed.  A lot of preparation and planning goes into that.  But, I know we have to do it in order to have the strength and longevity for the rest of the year.  We managed to have one weekend away this summer on a camping trip, as short and sweet as it was.  But any of our other planned getaways haven't happened for various reasons, mostly out of our control, smoke and forest fires, unexpected weather, etc.  I will make it to Chute Lake Lodge one day!  Basically one weekend camping since 2019.  I know I'm not alone in the lack of travel happening, obviously we are still very much living through a pandemic, but I'm so looking forward to some time away from home and work.  Exploring new places in our own back yard of British Columbia, being in nature, and slowing down is just what we need.  

Some tips I've learned so far on how to prepare for a vaca from entrepreneur life

  • Update your google business page! It sounds like such a small thing, but if a potential customer googles to check your hours and sees your closed, they are more likely to to not head there and realize your closed after the fact, which could lead to a bad review.  I also put a notice on the front door for walk by traffic to read.
  • Give people notice. I've been starting to mention our getaway and closure for about a week or so ahead of time through our social media channels.
  • Plan your monthly cash flow projections accordingly.  We know we are loosing a weeks worth of business, so we've planned out our stock buying in order to have low payments to make this month.  Although, we aren't missing our Saturday's for being open, we need that business to cover the days we are closed.  I couldn't let that go, lol.
  • Avoid burnout! Breaks are necessary in order to maintain creativity and productivity.  so don't feel bad about taking time for yourself!  You can't take care of others, without taking care of yourself.  

We will be closing early on Saturday Sept 11th at 2:30pm and returning to work on Saturday Sept 18th with normal hours.  Thank you all for a wonderful summer season! 

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